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Guidance Please complete the mandatory fields below. View the privacy notice relating to Aberdeenshire School Placing Appeals. If you have any queries or issues, please contact committee.services@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Detail of refusal Please confirm the date of refusal from school. You can find this on the notice advising you of the placing refusal. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision date.
Appeals may only be submitted within 28 days of the decision notification. As your appeal lies outwith this period, please email committee.services@aberdeenshire.gov.uk (nb: the 14 day period does not include public holidays)
Child's details
Appellant details The appellant may be a: - Parent - Guardian - Child representing themselves if over 16 years of age
To upload supporting documents, go to the top of this screen and select 'upload files'. Please remember to select the 'Upload File' button to complete this process.